Thursday, December 17, 2015

Emulating Protagonists

I love to read. I credit my mother for passing on her love of reading. She is never without a book, sometimes two or three. Mysteries and political dramas are her favorite, and while I enjoy some mystery novels, I prefer those centered around a tumultuous relationship, but one that always works out in the end.  Yes, I know they are formulaic, but there is a certain comfort in that. Even though I know things will work out in the end (except for your novels, Mr. Sparks...shakes my head disapprovingly), I still sit on the edge of my seat, fisted hand to my mouth during the rising action and silently cheer on the protagonist.

I was pondering my love of fiction the other day when I was struck with a realization: strong protagonists have helped me through some very difficult times in my life, they’ve been invisible friends, provided inspiration and have even given me confidence. I also realized that my favorite protagonists have many traits in common.

Strength - I am not afraid to abandon a book that has a weak protagonist for whom I have no respect. My favorite books all feature strong, independent women. Their strength and determination are what keep the stories lively and inspiring. They are not wilting lilies sitting idly waiting to be rescued or “fixed” by someone else. Their determination and independence drives them and when they do find love and companionship, it is always as a complement to their lives. Sometimes this means that they are stubborn and hard-headed, but how else are they going to grow their character?

Individuality - A great protagonist bucks convention. Regardless of the time period, she does not let the societal rules of the day determine her fate. She is a non-conformist who works around the system as much as possible, always guided by her inner truth. She also ignores the naysayers who try to keep her from accomplishing her goals.

Optimism - Despite struggles and hardship, my favorite protagonists maintain an optimistic outlook. They experience dips in their moods and energy, like normal humans, but they always come back to their positive world view and their belief that people are generally good and that life is dependent on a positive perspective.

Good humor - Along with their optimism, these women have a good sense of humor. They can laugh at themselves and appreciate the humor in the situations they find themselves. Their determination and objectives are not approached with a furrowed brow and downturned countenances, but with a grin and a glimmer in their eye.

Kindness - While these strong, determined women will crush their obstacles, they don’t do so at the expense of others. They exhibit kindness, although often not to themselves. They don’t let others take advantage of them, but they care about others and work to make sure that their actions do not negatively impact the innocent.

Adventurous - Many of the books I enjoy have an element of adventure, often in natural settings. My protagonists love adventure. They embrace physical and mental challenges; they are rugged, tough and eager for adventure. They don’t let fear hold them back and they find beauty in every journey.

Passionate - Finally, all of the protagonists that I love best are full of passion. They fully embrace life and squeeze every drop of learning, enjoyment, joy and adventure from their lives as possible. When they love, they love with abandon. They hold back nothing and give all they can and they do this without sacrificing themselves in the process.

These women have been my companions throughout my entire life. They have given me confidence when I lacked self-worth, their examples helped me persevere through difficult times and have given me hope when life seemed very difficult. Reading is more to me than a pleasant pastime; reading is therapy, a support, an escape, a solution, an inspiration, a problem-solver and a friend. The protagonists are my sisters and I am grateful for their presence in my life.

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