Monday, January 4, 2016

Wine & Peas

Wine and Peas (maybe not together)

Today’s post is short, but oh so sweet. I am sharing with you two staples of my diet that you MUST try.

First up: frozen peas. Just the way they are. Straight from the freezer and into your mouth.
Before you dismiss me as a weirdo, let me tell you that when my guy suggested them (and told me he ate them by the cupful), I thought he was quite strange indeed. He was right - they are so very delicious, crunchy, satisfying and nutritious too!

1 serving (⅔ cp):
Calories 70
Total fat 0
Sodium 0
Cholesterol 0
Total carbohydrate 12g
Dietary fiber 4g
Sugars 5g
Protein 5g

And 45% RDA Vitamin A, 20% Vitamin C and 10% of your daily Iron.

We buy them at Costco, because Costco is THE BEST, and they have large bags of organic baby peas. (Quick story: last year, they stopped carrying them for about 3 months and I truly almost cried. Not even joking.)


My next favorite item requires more of your suspended judgement. I am certainly no wine connoisseur. I cannot tell you if this wine has a piney finish or undertones of hay, but I can tell you that it’s not too sweet, not too...unsweet (dry, maybe?), has no bad aftertaste and stays super fresh. Not only that, but the packaging is more eco-friendly than the 4 bottles it would require to hold this much wine.

And there’s a spout! Who can say no to a spout?!?!

Yes, ladies and gents, I’m talking about wine in a box. (Why did I just summon a vision of Andy Samberg and Justin Timberlake? Focus, Melissa…) Not just any wine in a box though. California’s own Double Dog Dare Cabernet. This is truly delicious. Pour it away from your guests and pretend it’s expensive and fancy. I promise they’ll rave about it.


What unconventional snacks or food do you love? Share, please! I love to try new things.

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