Thursday, December 24, 2015

Listen to Your Parents

Listen to your parents

I visited my mom and dad today. They are always very comforting to talk to, especially when it comes to discussions about parenting. My parents are great; I was a lucky kid and had a pretty idyllic childhood. Despite that, they admit that they felt like they made some mistakes and reminded me that we do our very best at the time, for whatever situation we face with our kids. If you are a parent, listen to what your parents have to say with an open mind. It doesn’t mean that you have to take their advice or even agree with them, but they are offering something we don’t have until our kids are all grown - experience.

Actively listen to your parents talk about their lives and pay careful attention when they share things they’ve learned. My dad is 85 and as spry as someone 20 years younger. He has great stories to share, but the most interesting things he says are the unexpected bits of advice. He always had a strong work ethic and I heard lectures about working hard and being responsible throughout my entire childhood. He was right, but his advice now is to have adventures while we are young. He still stands by his philosophy about working hard, but he cautions about letting work supplant travel, adventure and doing the things you want to do “while you can.”

The most important lessons that I’ve learned from my parents are about relationships. Although their observations of people are oddly accurate, what speaks to me most doesn’t have to do with what they say. It is that after over 30 years together, they still make their relationship their priority. They openly display their affection and don’t withhold their love.  If they have disagreements, they get over them quickly (and they are never really serious). They remember to do the little things for each other each day. They remind me that it is not selfish to put your partner and your relationship first and that entire families thrive when we do so.  Their love is a testament to it.

Listen to your parents. Not only because they have the wisdom that comes from experience, but also because they love you more than you could ever imagine.

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